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  • How do I hire a Contractor?
    There are a few ways you can find a Contractor to hire. Start by selecting one of the categories, they are the big icons at the top of the app, then: 1- You can hit the plus button at the bottom, and fill out the request service form which when completed will be available to all qualifying Contractors to bid on. 2 - Request available Contractors by clicking either the map or the equal sign you can see whos avaialbe and request whomever pops up. 3 - Click the Search Filter buton at the top right, and fill in whats needed then press the SEARCH button. All available (Online) Contractors that apply to your Category and service selected will be displayed and you can request whomever you want. Remember - your info is not visible to the Contractor until you accept their bid or invite them to bid on a job. Also when booking, you can see Contractors profile which has their reviews, liscences, years of expeirence and more to help you choose the right Contractor for you.
  • What address or task location should I put?
    You should list the address or location the task will take place. Add any additional information in the comment section if need be. Most important thing is to discuss all the details with your Contractor and make sure both of you are on the same page.
  • Can I contact a Contractor before booking?
    Liinkd is a space for contractors to advertise their precense virtually. As such, yes, you can contact any contractor at any time for any reason. You do not need to post a request-for-service to search for and/or contact contractors. Liinkd advises all users to: - Check contractor profiles - Read the reviews - Check contractor qualifications
  • What information should I provide in my task?
    You should include all the important info the Contractor should know about your task. This will help them determine what is expected from them, what tools and/or equipment they might need, and to estimate the jobs cost and time to complete.
  • How do I determine which Contractor is best for my task?
    You will be able to view Contractor profiles of the service you are requesting. Liinkd reviews, social media, websites and google reviews will all help will help with your decision making process.
  • What type of Contractor information is displayed?
    If filled, you can see: - Their reviews - Qualifications - Name, address, email, phone # - Any liscences they carry (Plumbing, Gas, etc..)
  • Can Contractors see my information?
    Your information is hidden from contractors unless an individual establishes contact with a contractor OR accepts a bid for service from a contractor.

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